Welcome! I'm Angela. This is my little corner of the web where I write about my adventures as a boy mom. I love my husband and my kids and coffee and all things chocolate. I'm a horrible cook but I love reading recipes. I am currently teaching my five year old how to read and the importance of hygiene. My other boy is currently teething, so I may sound a little sleep deprived at times. We're a homeschooling, slightly crunchy bunch. We're a little cooky but we sure do love being a family. We can be found down by the river every weekend.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

A thousand changes

We've met with our listing agent. Signed contracts. A photographer comes out this weekend, and then just like that, our home will be for sale. We've been working toward this day for years. We've painted. Painted again. Renovated the kitchen. Two bathrooms. Landscaped. Landscaped again because Florida's sun is cruel. Now it's time.
As I signed the papers last night, my heart started to race. "OMG, we're selling our HOME! What are we doing? What if we don't find a home to buy in time? Where will we live? What are we DOING?!?!?"...were just some of the repetitive thoughts in my head.
We're excited to move back to our home town. To be closer to our church and our doctors and L's school and Ben's work and our people. To be able to go to Target without having to drive an hour round trip.
But new is scary, even if it's good. I look at my two littles and I fully realize that every decision I make will affect them, in one way or another. This is big stuff.
As I was panicking last night, I felt God whisper to me. "I will take care of you. Do you believe that? Because you should. It's as simple as that." And that reminder, along with binge eating some peanut butter, calmed me down.
We're going to be okay. This is going to be good. There are a thousand changes going on right now, in our family, in our finances, in our roles, but He's got us and it's going to be good.

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