Welcome! I'm Angela. This is my little corner of the web where I write about my adventures as a boy mom. I love my husband and my kids and coffee and all things chocolate. I'm a horrible cook but I love reading recipes. I am currently teaching my five year old how to read and the importance of hygiene. My other boy is currently teething, so I may sound a little sleep deprived at times. We're a homeschooling, slightly crunchy bunch. We're a little cooky but we sure do love being a family. We can be found down by the river every weekend.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Our life, in tangents

Blogging was easier before I had two kids. I used to write long, artsy posts about my innermost thoughts....no time for that anymore. Here's life in 10 little tangents:

-We had the stomach flu this past week. Thankful it happened while we still have our insurance, thankful for an awesome pediatrician and thankful that it seems to be gone now.

-When you don't sleep, everything will make you cry. This applies to the 29 year old as well as the 4 year old.

-2 kids may not seem like a lot, but it's been a whole different ball game than 1. There is always someone needing me, always a snack to prepare or a diaper to change or a bath to draw or a book to read or tiny laundry to do....I have never felt as needed as I do now. Or as tired. Or as fulfilled.

-It's been one of the most expensive months ever for team Gable. Between my dental work and my car breaking down and doctor's visits...we are having to get frugal like never before. We've also been so blessed at how God has provided.

-I'm learning how to say no. I don't have to volunteer for everything, I don't have to say yes to everything, and sometimes saying no is the BEST thing for my family. They come first.

-Kitchen remodels take a crazy long time, and they are really, really messy.

-I don't watch much television, but I've recently started watching old episodes of Arrested Development and I am hooked.

-Ben and I haven't been on a date in a year and a half. Unless you count the trip to the hospital to have the baby.

-Homeschooling is going well, but it's different than I thought it would be. Our biggest challenge is handwriting, but I know that's partly because L is only 4. He is very curious and loves learning, but does not necessarily love sitting still.

-I love, LOVE having a baby in the house, and it's going by way too quickly this time around. And I secretly have a tiny bit of baby fever again, although I don't think another Gable is in the cards for us. I just love babies! All their smooshiness (not a word but it should be) is just nirvana to me.

1 comment:

  1. There's always money in the banana stand.

    Also, the stomach flu is the worse thing ever. We all had it in April and I get sweaty just thinking about it.
