A few months ago I was feeling pretty low. I had some friendships that for whatever reason, were fading. Ladies I once felt incredibly close to were drifting out of my life, and I took it upon myself to obsess over it.
Obviously I must be the problem. I don't have my stuff together. I walk around most days feeling like a big mess. My nails are usually chipped (it does no good to buy the expensive Essie nail polish if you aren't actually going to take the time to use it). My house is....lived in. THOROUGHLY lived in. My car is older than....well it's older than pretty much everything. So, yeah. I don't have it all together. Maybe THIS is why those friendships faded. Maybe they finally caught on that Angela is a hot mess.
I started to pray.
God, do YOU think I'm a hot mess? DO you think I'm a loser because I don't have it all together? Are you embarrassed by me? Am I a bad testimony to what a relationship with you actually looks like? Because I feel like if I only had it all together, I'd have more friends. Jesus, show me how YOU see me. Show me where I need to improve.
What happened next is nothing short of hilarious. Don't ever say God doesn't have a sense of humor. God opened the floodgates, so to speak. I started volunteering at my church, and the friends came pouring out (weird visual, but just go with it). Families started to ask MY little family to hang out. They wanted to hang out with not just me, but my husband too! We started really doing life with awesome, AWESOME people, whose nail polish was also chipped. I mean, probably. I didn't actually check out their nails. But I'd like to think so. Friends started texting me every day (yes, that's right, I text now. Welcome to the 21st century, Angela). God's done immeasurably more than I could ever imagine, just like the verse says. It's gotten to the point that a quiet day with just the boys and I is a rarity. I may have to scale back a bit.
So here's what I learned through my little freak out. Yes, I'm a mess. But God's cool with it. Because everyone else is a mess too, apparently (I'm on to you! :) It's wonderful to get to do life with other people who don't have it all together. And be careful what you pray for. Because God's in the business of surpassing expectations.
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