Welcome! I'm Angela. This is my little corner of the web where I write about my adventures as a boy mom. I love my husband and my kids and coffee and all things chocolate. I'm a horrible cook but I love reading recipes. I am currently teaching my five year old how to read and the importance of hygiene. My other boy is currently teething, so I may sound a little sleep deprived at times. We're a homeschooling, slightly crunchy bunch. We're a little cooky but we sure do love being a family. We can be found down by the river every weekend.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

You made it through

Dear one,
You made it through your first Thanksgiving without her. Without him. Your loved one that passed. Maybe Thanksgiving was a welcomed distraction from the sadness, the heartache. Or maybe it was so hard. Being around so many happy people, people trying to carry on normal conversations with you. Maybe it took every ounce of energy to fake those smiles, to pretend that the grief was not constantly on your shoulder. Maybe the food had no taste in your mouth, maybe you couldn't wait to get back home where everything was at least familiar and you didn't have to pretend.

But you did it. You showed up and you smiled and you hugged and you put nice clothes on and you did it.

And that's amazing.

Maybe you're heart was racing and maybe you had to stop at a park and get some fresh air and just pray for God to give your heart peace.
Yeah, maybe that was you.
And that's amazing too.

Holidays are hard.
It's okay to feel joy.
It's okay to also feel sad and confused and lonely and overwhelmed and guilty for smiling because your loved one is gone.
It's okay.

Hug often. Surround yourself with those that love you. Those that will make you a hot cup of tea and just love you.
And give yourself permission from here on out to avoid situations where people like to stir up strife. It's okay to say no to those events. Guard your heart, dear one.
Christmas is coming. You are going to do just fine. It will be hard. You will be sad. But there is joy to be found, I promise you that much. Take in the lights. The smells. The sounds. Allow yourself to remember. Even if it's been years since your last Christmas together, it's okay to remember.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Don't call it a party

Our little man turned one. I have no idea how it went so fast. I blinked and now he's a toddler. Cue the violins.
For Logan's first birthday, I went all out. I invited everyone I knew, stayed up into the wee hours of the night planning elaborate party games and making homemade decor. First kid syndrome. 
I didn't have it in me to do that this year. Between everything that went on in October, and my constant struggle to get some sleep, I just had no energy for a party. 
Instead, I made little man a fun birthday dinner on his actual birthday, and the following Saturday I had two of his little buddies from the nursery (and their families) out to the playground. That's it. No pinatas. No elaborate guest list. None of that hoopla. Just a couple of babies hanging out eating some gluten free cupcakes. 
It was quite possibly the best first birthday ever. I was able to really pay attention to everyone. Levi wasn't overwhelmed, because there wasn't a crowd. Just a few little buddies. 
I may keep birthdays this way from now on. 

  Happy to be ONE!
Gluten free cupcakes. Kind of gross, but he loved them!
We love mustaches.
Big brother is growing up!

All smiles
The fabulous Kennedy family. 
The dads. All smiling! I love it!
A picture with GG. 
Beautiful friends, Jen and Christina. 

Happy birthday, sweet Levi! We love you so much!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A prayer for the overwhelmed mom

Thank you, Father, for loving me right where I am. Just as I am. 90 something pounds of anxiousness, stress, uncertainty. You love me even though I fail day after day. Even though I'm not a good cook, I can't keep a spotless home, my car keeps breaking, and I say bad words. Even though the future scares the living daylights out of me. 
You love me. 
And you say I am enough. 
Right where I am. 
You don't compare me to others. 
Because my story is different. 
It was always meant to be different. 

You knew all along every painful event of 2014, way before I was on this earth.

You've counted every tear, you've understood prayers I couldn't put into words.
You've heard my heart.

You know it all.
And you love me.
I am enough.
Right now.
Not when I get it all together.
Not when our checking account looks better.
Not when I can finally cook fancy meals.
I am so grateful for the now. 
It seems like everyone else has it all figured out.
I don't.
I'm grateful for a savior who does.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Guest Star Tuesday

I read this today and it changed my whole outlook. Be encouraged by her words today!